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Click on the question below and we hope you will find the answer you need. If you need more detail click on CONTACT page and get in touch. We are here to serve.
I am looking for work - How can I submit my resumeWe use sophisticated software to parse your resume to make sure you get notified when opportunities that fit your skill set and career objectives become available. To take advantage of our service please submit your resume in "word or pdf" format only to Make sure the subject line says "Resume" and that your key contact information (your mobile number and your zip /postal code) are included in the "body" of your resume. Good luck in your career search!
How does OnCall Recruiting service workOnCall is the oldest dedicated employee search and recruiting firm specializing exclusively in Medical Aesthetics North America wide. We have conducted hundreds of successful searches for all level of employee for Plastic Surgeon, Dermatology and Medspa practices. From front desk staff to Patient Care Coordinators, Medical Aestheticians, RNs, NPs, PAs, practice managers and even Medical Directors, we have over 10,000 registered resume's of qualified and experienced aesthetic providers nationwide and more than 100,000 social media followers within the industry. Our services are priced very affordably for every level of search from simple job board listings to our Medi Search and Medi Search Pro influencer campaigns and our full service recruiting. To find out how we can best serve your needs and fit your budget go to or call or text 604-562-5331
Do you work in my areaOnCall works across the United States / Canada and Australia. Have a look at our Candidate Profiles Page where we have listed samplings of our active candidates in some of our major markets.
How much does your service cost?We have a wide range of services from our job board listing for a few hundred dollars through our highly effective influencer campaigns that cost a few thousand dollars all the way up to our full service recruiting priced using standard industry recruiting rates.
How do you get paid for Full Service RecruitingWe are a split fee agency. That means our full service Recruiting is paid 50% at the onset of the recruit to cover off the marketing and media costs associated with the search and 50% when the candidate accepts the position. Full service searches are warrantied for 90 days. While we understand some recruiters work on success fee only (Contingency Search) it's neither possible nor effective for us to do contingency except in very rare circumstances. Let us explain... Contingency agencies work on volume. They fire out as many resumes to as many clients as possible knowing they will be paid the industry metric approximately 20% of the time. They have very little time to focus on your search as they are busy managing a large volume of clients and candidates. This works when you have a relatively unlimited pool of candidates and an active marketplace - like searching for a sales rep or even a primary care nurse. But Aesthetics is different! We have a very narrow and very specialized marketplace with a small pool of candidates and virtually no unemployment amongst qualified candidates. That means we have to spend significant time focussed exclusively on your search to get the job done. So to keep your overall costs down well below contingency prices we split our fee in two making sure we have the incentive to dedicate ourselves to getting the job done quickly. And it shows in our results having completed more searches than any other aesthetics recruiting firm on the planet since 2017.
How much should I be paying a nurse injector in my areaOnCall offers market research specific to the role and location of the position you are looking to fill. Our market analysis is priced very affordably and can be turned around in as little as 3 business days - sometimes even faster than that.
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